Sometimes I want to swallow the world
And its libraries.
I'm so hungry I could chew on even the blandest books
All day.
I would gnaw at stiff bindings and crinkled pages,
Nibble leather covers,
Devour first editions,
Munch on bestsellers,
And swallow letters whole.
I want to speak five languages,
Read every canon,
Know ornithology
And art.
I want to consume history and philosophy
For breakfast.
But sometimes it's too much
And I just want to be
Empty or hungry.
I don't want to know inequality
And imbalance.
I don't want to know ambition or pressure,
Expectation, competition,
Failure or success,
Hard work and defeat.
I want to be free.
But I want to be full.
Sarah Scally
Sometimes I will spend my days on Goodreads
And stalking library catalogues.
I’m looking for something long enough to capture my attention
All day.
I want to consume and enjoy
Every ‘best books of 2020’ list
Plan to feast on every Pinterest poem I find
I want to write best sellers
And covet letters
that might one day be kept in online libraries.
In my hands is a tool that can teach me languages
Mismatch old canons
Tell me biographies and answer
Every question I have about birds or fish or even stars.
I can see art old and new without leaving my bed.
I am full to the brim and overflowing with books to read
Before breakfast.
I am a king in a castle
Turning away food because
There is simply no time to eat,
To be empty or alone.
No way to hide away,
in a glass library in college,
From injustice or imbalance.
I pile on pressure
Expectation, competition
Unsure if I’m scared of
Failure or success.
Terrified to leave.
But unable to stay.